We’re proud to offer a wide range of accommodations including comfortable villas, spacious homes and the No. 1 luxury hotel on Hilton Head Island.
Discover why The Sea Pines Resort is Hilton Head’s premier golf destination, loved by PGA TOUR pros and golf enthusiasts alike.
Explore the stunning Lowcountry landscape, stroll along sandy beaches, play golf or tennis and enjoy an array of family-friendly activities.
Our resort restaurants offer the ultimate Lowcountry dining experience, with innovative menus inspired by the vibrant South Carolina culinary scene.
A world-renowned destination for special celebrations and an unparalleled setting for your next conference, meeting or group event.
The Sea Pines Resort Fitness Center
Harbour Town Pool
The Sea Pines Resort Racquet Club
The Sea Pines Resort Beach Club
Family Biking
Harbour Town - Liberty Oak
Atlantic Dunes by Davis Love III
Harbour Town Pier
Links Resturant, an American Grill
Plantation Golf Club
Sunset at The Sea Pines Resort Beach Club
Confirm Check-in Dates
Will you be bringing a dog?
Or (866) 561-8802
D = Nightly rate for stays less then 7 nights.
W = Reduced nightly rate for stays 7 or more nights.
Pre-Arrival Questions
Rental Booking Fee 0.00
Departure Cleaning Fee 0.0
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